Sunday, October 16, 2011

Colder Temperatures & Changing Color

Went to the Symphony last night with Betsy. She's on the board for creating a Preforming Arts Theater here so she invited us and Will did not fall asleep! Will took Suki fishing for 2 days over the weekend and I'm reading school text books. I love
reading about Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism and especially Taoism. We are discussing Confucianism on Tuesday. Class discussions are interesting....most of the students are 17-19 year olds who are not too far from home. The instructor really is wonderful in his approach to "opening their hearts and minds" to other ways of thinking.
These students are nothing like we were in the 70's
I remember engaging a Zen Buddhist disciple once out at Mangus Corners in old Suisun (at Solano Community College area) about his path, study and beliefs. He was on a bicycle and was so gracious and accommodating for those of us willing to listen. I learned so much from him...and even went hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail near Mill Valley as he spoke of the Zen Center there. Wandering...the way to learn and seek spirituality.
The students in this class have negative beliefs about "wanderers" and "drifters." So let's just say they are not the protesters in Portland and larger Cities discussing the Wall Street Crooks!

The other class: "PhysioPsychology of the Brain" has me speeding along with lectures and texts wondering how much of this stuff I will retain. I'm especially enjoying this current topic about brain damage and neuroplasticity...Alzheimer's, etc. After reading "Still Alice" this material seems ever so pertinent and important. After all I will be 65 years old soon.

Our community group is coming along and we really enjoy attending twice a month. Last time we discussed the "I" behind such expressions as "I" think, "I" believe..."I" learn who besides ego, persona, masks, projection to the others...who am I beyond thinking, feeling, acting.
Was a wonderful discussion; Daniel you would have loved it. I'm having social connections, intellectual engagement and wonderful contacts with the continuing hope of more intimates.

I also have a sponsor now for Alanon. Only on the first step so long way to go but after several years of attending, I feel ready for letting go and changing my (some anyway) controlling ways.

As the holidays come around, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas; Will and I will be here in Washington. We will miss our families, friends and celebrating together as in years pasts. We will adventure into the new places, people and things we haven't yet encountered ...during these times. But come January, 2012....we are headed to the Bay area. I am so sorry to miss Kannon, Kiara and especially Marly (I've only seen her 4-5 times total in the last 2 years). So be warm, productive, (or not!) and let us hear from you about this upcoming season.

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